I love visiting home <3

November 11, 2011
The journey is always beautiful through the hills of the Ozarks.

I had a wonderful time until my car broke down, but very nice people helped get us back on the road and safely to my grand daughter and finally home.
My heart is deeply warmed of their kindness to help a total stranger.
 You've restored my thoughts of people in this world.

I had a wonderful time all together and enjoyed holding my beautiful grandbaby and give her love, & my daughter and family..
I miss you every second of the day.. always on my mind always in my heart.

I'm working hard on getting the book done so that I can get past the zombie's and move on to others.
Will share more and update more info as soon as I can.


Living Life; Life Living

August 2, 2011

There's nothing like getting on a bike and just going.
Off on the open road
Wind in your face
Tune in your ear
Life is short.
..Especialy for drama.
People spend way too much of their time meddling in people's lives and causing stress and discomfort, and bodily and mental harm. There are people out there who have no conscious thought to their effects of their actions to others. There are people out there who can not just focus on their own path, and have to have control factors to make the...

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About Me

T.D. COOPER Photographer, Writer, Artist Visual Impact Photography & Art


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